The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the admit card for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) on July 5. Candidates who have submitted their application and are going to appear for this exam on July 7 are advised to download the admit card by visiting the official website of CTET i.e. However, the link is also shared in this article.
CTET Admit Card Download Link
Then students can download their July admit card using their application number and password. In case of any discrepancy in the admit card, which is different from the confirmation page, then candidates can immediately contact the CTET unit for necessary correction.
How to Download CTET July Admit Card 2024?
Candidates can check the easy steps to download the admit card through this live blog:
- Step 1: Firstly, visit the official website of CTET.
- Step 2: Click on the admit card link flashing on the website ‘Download Admit Card: CTET July-2024’.
- Step 3: Enter all the asked details in the blank columns.
- Step 4: Your admit card will appear on your screen.
- Step 5: Take a print-out of the admit card.
What should the candidate carry?
- Downloaded Admit Card.
- One Photo Identity Proof (PAN card, Aadhaar card, Passport, Driving license, Voter ID card).
- Good quality ballpoint pen (blue/black).
- Transparent water bottle (500 ml).
What the candidate should not carry?
Only permitted items are allowed in the exam centre. The centre will not be responsible for the safety of prohibited items. List of prohibited items that are not allowed inside the exam centre under any circumstances:
Metal objects, Books, Notes, Bits of Papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, Gold and Artificial Jewellery, Plastic Pouches, Pencil Pouches, Pencils, Scales, Log Tables, Writing Pads, Erasers, Cardboards, Electronics Devices, Watches, Wrist Watches, Wallets, Spectacles, Handbags, Mobile Phones, Earphones, Microphones, Cameras, Headphones, Pen Drives, Pagers, Bluetooth Devices, Calculator, Debit/Credit Cards, Electronic Pens/Scanners, Food and Drinks (Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic) and other items which can be used for improper purposes.
Instructions for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
- Scribe can be arranged only on production of a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution to the effect that the person concerned has a physical disability in writing and a scribe is required to write the examination on his behalf, as per the proforma given in Appendix to OM dated 29.08.2018 issued by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. Such candidates have to bring their scribe, the qualification of the scribe should be one step lower than the qualification of the candidate appearing for the examination. Candidates with benchmark disabilities should submit the details of the scribe as per the proforma given in Appendix-II of OM dated 29.08.2018 as mentioned above.
- For availing compensatory time, candidates with benchmark disabilities should submit a certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution.
- Candidates are required to submit Appendix II C and Appendix III on the day of the examination.
Important Instructions for Candidates
- Candidates must follow the instructions given in this Admit Card.
- Candidates must report at the examination centre 120 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Candidates reporting at the centre after gate closure will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
- Candidates must bring their own blue/black ballpoint pen for writing their details.
- Candidates without proper Admit Card and original Photo Identity Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre by the Centre Superintendent under any circumstances.
- Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination without signing the Attendance Sheet.
- Candidates must strictly follow the instructions given in the Information Bulletin.
- This Admit Card is issued to the candidate provisionally as per the information given by him/her. The eligibility of the candidate has not been verified by the Board. The Appointing Authority/Recruitment Agency will verify it before appointment/recruitment. Qualifying the CTET will not confer any right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment as a teacher.
- Candidates are advised to visit their allotted examination centre one day before the date of examination to confirm its location, distance, mode of transport etc.
- Candidates suffering from diabetes are allowed to carry snack items like sugar candies/chocolates/candies, fruits (such as bananas/apples/oranges) and sandwiches in transparent polybags in the examination hall. However, the food items will be kept with the invigilators at the respective examination centre, who will hand over the food items to these candidates on their demand.
- The CTET unit uploads information related to CTET on its website It is the responsibility of the candidate to visit the CTET website regularly for information and updates.