Are you preparing for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Exam? Understanding the syllabus is your first step towards success. The KVS TGT exam is a competitive assessment, and being well-versed with the syllabus can greatly improve your preparation strategy. Let us delve into the details of the KVS TGT syllabus in detail and how you can avail it to your advantage.

KVS TGT Syllabus and Exam Pattern Overview

Conducted ByKendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Exam NameTeacher (TGT)
CategoryKVS Teacher Syllabus

KVS Examination Pattern 2024 For TGT

Maximum Marks180
Number of Questions180
Time Duration3 Hours
Selection ProcessWritten test (180 Marks)Demo Teaching + Interview (30+30 Marks)
Type of QuestionsObjective type
TGT SubjectsHindi, English, Sanskrit, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies

Candidates taking the KVS TGT Exam 2024 will encounter 180 questions, each carrying 1 mark, totaling 180 marks. These questions will be provided in English and Hindi and follow a multiple-choice objective format. Notably, there is no penalty for incorrect answers.

TGT Subjects: (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies) Exam Pattern

KVS ExamKVS SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Part – IGeneral English1010
General Hindi1010
Part – IIGeneral Knowledge & Current Affairs1010
Reasoning Ability55
Computer Literacy55
Part – IIIPerspectives on Education and Leadership4040
Part – IVConcerned Subject100100

TGT Subjects: (Physical & Health Education, Work Experience, Art Education) Exam Pattern

KVS ExamKVS SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
PART IGeneral English1515
General Hindi1515
PART IIGeneral Awareness & Current Affairs Related to Subjects2020
Reasoning Ability2020
Computer Literacy1010
PART IIISubject Concerned100100

KVS Syllabus 2024 For TGT

Paper I

  • General English: Articles, Modal, Narration, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Tenses, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Idioms & phrases, Antonym & Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Word Power
  • General Hindi: भाषा, संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा के भेद, सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम के भेद, विशेषण एवं विशेषण के भेद, क्रिया एवं क्रिया के भेद, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण (सरल, संयुक्त एवं मिश्रित वाक्य), पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास,   पद परिचय, पठन कौशल, शब्द सामर्थ्य

Paper II

  • General Knowledge & Current Affairs: Awards, Books & their authors, Sports, History- Ancient, Medieval & Modern, Geography, Current Affairs, Polity, Economics, Constitution, Indian Art & Culture, Everyday Science, Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions
  • Reasoning  Ability: Verbal and non-verbal types, analogies, similarities, Syllogism, space visualization, problem-solving, Blood Relation, arithmetical reasoning, figure classification, Logical Reasoning, Mirror Image, Directions, Puzzles and Seating Arrangement, Data Sufficiency, Coding-decoding, Order and Ranking, Alpha Numeric Symbol Series
  • Computer Literacy: Abbreviations, Basic Computer Terminology & Shortcuts, Web Technology, Database Management Systems, Browsers and Search Engines, Internet, General Concept of Social Networking,  Computer Memory or Storage Devices, Computer Software & Hardware, History and Evaluation of Computers, Generations and Types of Computers, Operating Systems

Paper III

  • Perspectives on Education and Leadership: Understanding the Learner, Understanding Teaching Learning, Creating a Conducive Learning Environment, School Organization and Leaders-hip, Perspectives in Education

Paper IV (Concerned Subject)

SubjectPDF Link
HindiDownload PDF
EnglishDownload PDF
ScienceDownload PDF
MathematicsDownload PDF
Social ScienceDownload PDF
SanskritDownload PDF
Physical Health and EducationDownload PDF
Work ExperienceDownload PDF
Art EducationDownload PDF

KVS TGT Preparation Strategy

  1. Know the Syllabus: Thoroughly understand the syllabus for the KVS TGT exam, covering subjects like English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.
  2. Gather Study Materials: Collect standard textbooks, reference books, and study guides recommended for KVS TGT preparation.
  3. Create a Study Plan: Develop a structured study plan allocating time for each subject based on its weightage and your proficiency level.
  4. Practice Previous Year Papers: Solve previous years’ question papers to understand the exam format, types of questions asked, and difficulty level.
  5. Take Mock Tests: Take mock tests to assess your preparation level, identify weak areas, and improve skills.
  6. Focus on Core Subjects: Pay special attention to core subjects like English, Mathematics, and Social Studies, as they carry significant weightage in the exam.
  7. Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Keep yourself updated with current affairs, especially related to education, social issues, scientific developments, etc.
  8. Revise Regularly: Schedule regular revision sessions to reinforce learning, enhance retention, and minimize the chances of forgetting important concepts.
  9. Practice Time Management: Practice solving questions within the allotted time frame to improve speed and accuracy during the exam.
  10. Stay Healthy: Maintain a balanced diet, get adequate sleep, and engage in regular exercise to stay physically and mentally fit during the preparation phase.
  11. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude towards your preparation journey and believe in your abilities to succeed in the KVS TGT exam.
  12. Stay Calm during Exam: On the exam day, stay calm and composed. Avoid last-minute stress and focus on recalling what you have learned.
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