Jabali Yojana, launched by the Government of Madhya Pradesh, is a revolutionary effort to free women from some particularly vulnerable communities of the state such as Bedia, Bachra and Sansi communities from prostitution and make them self-reliant. The scheme assists women of these communities through economic empowerment, education, skill development and social rehabilitation.

Main Objectives of the Scheme

  • Eradication of Prostitution: The primary goal of the Jabali scheme is to eliminate the practice of prostitution in these communities.
  • Economic Empowerment: Women are provided with self-employment and livelihood opportunities, such as setting up micro-enterprises, artisanal training and assistance in agricultural activities.
  • Education and Skill Development: Women are encouraged to participate in literacy programs, vocational training and life skill development.
  • Social Rehabilitation: The scheme helps women gain social acceptance and live dignified lives in their communities.

Implementation of the Scheme

  • Awareness Campaign: Campaigns are conducted to create awareness about the harmful effects of prostitution in communities.
  • Financial Assistance: Women are provided financial assistance to set up businesses, receive training and pursue education.
  • Skill Development: Women are trained in jewellery making, tailoring, embroidery and other skills.
  • Social Rehabilitation: Women are linked to social security schemes and helped to reconnect with their communities.

Impact of the Scheme

The Jabali scheme has played a vital role in positively changing the lives of women from these communities. As a result of the scheme:

  • There has been a significant reduction in cases of prostitution.
  • Women have been empowered economically.
  • Women’s education and skill levels have increased.
  • Women have gained respect in society.


The scheme has faced some challenges in implementation, such as:

  • Social Conservatism: Prostitution is considered acceptable in some communities, making it difficult for the scheme to gain acceptance.
  • Lack of Awareness: Some women are not aware of the scheme or are hesitant to avail of it.
  • Lack of Adequate Support: Sufficient funds and resources are required to successfully implement the scheme.

Way Forward

Several steps can be taken to ensure the long-term impact of Jabali Yojana:

  • Community Involvement: Active cooperation of the community is essential for the success of the scheme. Community leaders and dignitaries should be involved in publicising the scheme and encouraging women to avail of it.
  • Strengthening Awareness Campaigns: Extensive campaigns should be launched to raise awareness about the ill effects of prostitution and the benefits of Jabali Yojana. Media, schools and NGOs can play a vital role in these campaigns.
  • Continued Support: Financial assistance and skill development programmes should not be limited to the beginning of the scheme. It is important to provide continuous support to women in running businesses and becoming self-reliant.
  • Legal Aid: It should be provided to women who are victims of prostitution-related crimes. This will help them get justice and protect their rights.


The Madhya Pradesh Jabali Yojana is a commendable initiative in the field of prostitution elimination. It has made significant progress in improving the lives of women from socially marginalised communities. However, the scheme needs to focus on community participation, raising awareness, and providing sustainable support and legal aid to make it a complete success.

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