Madhya Pradesh Antara Yojana is an important initiative launched by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. It aims to promote women’s empowerment and family planning. The scheme aims to make women aware of their reproductive health and provide them with information about various contraceptive options.

Main Goals of the Scheme

  • Making women aware of reproductive health.
  • Providing information about various contraceptive options.
  • Preventing unwanted pregnancies.
  • Reducing maternal and infant mortality.
  • Promoting gender equality.

Benefits of the Scheme

  • Helping women take control of their reproductive health.
  • Reducing cases of unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
  • Reducing maternal and infant mortality.
  • Helping women empower themselves socially and economically.
  • Promoting gender equality.

Facilities offered under the Scheme

  • Free contraceptive advice and services.
  • Information about various methods of family planning.
  • Distribution of various contraceptive options.
  • Special programs for adolescents and young women.
  • Free treatment of reproductive health-related problems.


All women of Madhya Pradesh are eligible for this scheme.

How to Apply?

Women can apply for this scheme by visiting their nearest health centre or Anganwadi centre.

Madhya Pradesh Antara Yojana: Challenges and Future Direction

Madhya Pradesh Antara Yojana is undoubtedly a positive step for women empowerment and family planning, but there are some challenges in its adoption too. Let us take a look at these challenges and consider ways to further improve the scheme for the future.

  • Lack of Awareness: Many women living in rural areas are still not aware of reproductive health and family planning options. There is a need for wider publicity of the scheme.
  • Social Taboos: Social taboos about family planning methods still exist in some communities. Community participation and awareness programs are important to overcome these taboos.
  • Access to Health Centers: Access to health centres can be a big challenge for women living in remote areas. Initiatives such as mobile clinics and tele-consultations can increase the reach of the scheme in these areas.
  • Lack of Men’s Participation: Men’s participation in family planning decisions is often negligible. Men also need to be educated about the scheme and made aware of the importance of family planning.
Future Directions
  • Strengthening Outreach Programmes: Awareness about the scheme can be increased by strengthening outreach programmes in rural areas and involving women volunteers.
  • Promoting Community Participation: Working closely with religious leaders, ASHA workers and local organisations is important for the success of the scheme.
  • Using the latest Technologies: Information about the scheme can be disseminated using tele-consultations, mobile apps and social media.
  • Involving Men: Through programmes targeting men, they can be involved in family planning decisions.


The Madhya Pradesh Antara Yojana is beneficial not only for women’s health but also for the entire society. This scheme empowers women, promotes gender equality and contributes to the development of the country. Raising awareness, strengthening community participation and using the latest technologies are essential for the successful implementation of the scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the main objective of Antara Yojana?
Answer: The main objective of Antara Yojana is to promote women empowerment and family planning.

Q: What are the benefits of the scheme?
Answer: The benefits of the scheme include control over reproductive health, reduction in abortion cases, reduction in maternal and infant mortality rates, social and economic empowerment and promotion of gender equality.

Q: Which women are eligible for the scheme?
Answer: All women of Madhya Pradesh are eligible for this scheme.

Q: How to apply for the scheme?
Answer: Women can apply for this scheme by visiting their nearest health centre or Anganwadi centre.

Question: What steps can be taken to make the scheme more successful?
Answer: To make the scheme more successful, it is necessary to increase awareness, strengthen community participation, use the latest technologies and promote men’s participation.

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