Madhya Pradesh Indira Grah Jyoti Yojana, formerly known as “Sambal Yojana”, was launched to provide domestic electricity at a low price to the poor and needy families of the state. The main objective of this scheme is to provide relief to the poor section of the state from the burden of electricity bills and provide them with affordable electricity.

Indira Grah Jyoti Scheme Details

DepartmentDepartment of Energy
Name of SchemeIndira Grah Jyoti Yojana
Starting from01 September 2019
BeneficiariesThe benefit of this scheme will be available to all domestic consumers whose monthly consumption is up to 150 units as per the eligibility.
GoalEnergy Conservation

Benefits of the Scheme

  • Under this scheme, all domestic consumers consuming 100 units of electricity will have to pay a bill of ₹100 per month.
  • Consumers consuming more than 100 units of electricity will have to pay ₹100 on consumption up to 100 units and will have to pay the rates set by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission for consumption above 100 units.
  • The subsidy is provided by the government to help poor families pay electricity bills.


  • Being a permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh is a must for this scheme.
  • Must have a domestic electricity connection.
  • Monthly electricity consumption should not exceed 150 units.
  • The annual income of the family should not exceed ₹60,000.

How to Apply?

  • To apply for this scheme, you have to contact your nearest Vidyut Vitran Kendra (DVVC).
  • The application form can be obtained from the DVVC or can be downloaded from the website of the Madhya Pradesh Energy Department.
  • Necessary documents have to be submitted along with the application form, such as ration card, Aadhaar card, copy of electricity bill, etc.

Important information

  • This scheme applies only to domestic electricity consumers.
  • Commercial and agricultural electricity consumers are not eligible for this scheme.
  • If a consumer avails of the scheme by giving wrong information, then recovery can be made from him.


Madhya Pradesh Indira Grah Jyoti Yojana is a beneficial scheme for the poor and needy families of the state. This scheme helps them to improve their standard of living by providing them with cheap electricity. If you are eligible for this scheme, then you must take advantage of it.

For more information
  • You can visit the website of the Madhya Pradesh Energy Department
  • You can also contact your nearest Vidyut Vitran Kendra (DVVC).
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