The Madhya Pradesh Police Department has released the official outline of the MP Police SI Syllabus 2025 for both technical and non-technical posts. This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern, helping candidates prepare adequately for the Sub-Inspector (SI) exam. Understanding the syllabus and exam structure is crucial for success, and we aim to provide you with all the necessary details.

MP Police SI 2025 Overview

The MP Police SI exam consists of two main categories: technical and non-technical posts. While technical posts require proficiency in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, non-technical posts focus on Hindi, English, general knowledge, and reasoning. Both categories share a common second paper, ensuring that all candidates are assessed on the key topics that are required for their respective roles. Candidates applying for technical posts must take two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2, while candidates for non-technical posts will take only Paper 2. This dual exam format ensures a comprehensive assessment of the abilities and knowledge of all applicants.

Conducting BodyMadhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB)
Department NameMadhya Pradesh Police Department
Post NameSub-Inspector (SI)
Mode of ExamOnline
Level of ExamState-level
Frequency of ExamOnce in a year
Exam TypeObjective
Selection ProcessCBT
Physical Proficiency Test (PPT)
Official Website

MP Police SI Syllabus 2025

Understanding the syllabus is the first step towards clearing the MP Police SI exam 2025. Below is the subject-wise description for both technical and non-technical posts.

MP Police SI Syllabus for Technical Posts (Paper 1)

Paper 1 is specifically for candidates applying for technical posts. This paper is designed to evaluate proficiency in three core subjects:

PhysicsRole of Physics
Units and Dimensions
Scalars and Vectors
Motion in Fluids
Circular Motion
Electrical Current
Work, Power, Energy
Properties of Matter
Internal Energy
Waves and Oscillations
ChemistryAnalytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Drugs & Polymers
Physical Chemistry
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Substances & their Nature
Atomic Structure
Elements, Compounds, & Mixtures
Metals, Non-Metals, and Alloys
Chemical Reactions
Behaviour of Gases
Combustion of Fuels
Linear Equation
Ratio and Proportion
Basic Trigonometry
Profit and Loss
Polynomials and Equations
Simple and Compound Interest
Simple Mensuration
Time and Work
Speed and Distance
Measures of Central Tendency
Quadratic Equation

MP Police SI Syllabus for both Technical & Non-Technical Positions (Paper 2)

Paper 2 is the same for both technical and non-technical positions. It focuses on assessing the general aptitude and language skills of the candidate. The core topics include:

Hindiभाषा बोध (Comprehension)
शब्द निर्माण – (उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, संधि, समास) पर आधारित प्रश्न
समोच्चारित भिन्नार्थक शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
अनेकार्थी शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
विलोम शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
पर्यायवाची शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
भाव पल्लवन/भाव विस्तार पर आधारित प्रश्न
वाक्य – अशुद्धि संशोधन पर आधारित प्रश्न
वाक्य परिवर्तन पर आधारित प्रश्न
मुहावरे/लोकोक्तियां पर आधारित प्रश्न
समास विग्रह तथा समास के भेद पर आधारित प्रश्न
संक्षिप्तिकरण पर आधारित प्रश्न
भिन्नार्थक समोच्चरित शब्द पर आधारित प्रश्न
पारिभाषिक, तकनीकी शब्दों के प्रयोग पर आधारित प्रश्न
वाक्य भेद (रचना, अर्थ के आधार पर) वाक्य रूपांतर पर प्रश्न
शब्द युग्म पर प्रश्न
बोली, विभाषा, मातृभाषा, राजभाषा, राष्ट्रभाषा पर प्रश्न
मुहावरे/लोकोक्तियों के वाक्य प्रयोग पर आधारित प्रश्न

काव्य बोध
काव्य की परिभाषा – भेद, मुक्तक काव्य, प्रबंधन काव्य (महाकाव्य, खंडकाव्य) पर आधारित प्रश्न
रस – परिभाषा, अंग, भेद और उदाहरण
अलंकार – वक्रोक्ति. अतिश्योक्ति, अन्योक्ति पर प्रश्न
छंद – गीतिका, हरिगीतिका, उल्लाला, रोला रस परिचय, अंग,
रस भेद – उदाहरण सहित अलंकार
छंद, काव्य की परिभाषा एवं काव्य के भेद काव्य गुण
क्षेत्रीय बोली-पहेलियां, चुटकुले, लोकगीत, लोक कथाओं का परिचय तथा खड़ी बोली में उनका अनुवाद।
मध्य प्रदेश में प्रकाशित होने वाली हिंदी भाषा की पत्र पत्रिकाओं की जानकारी।

अपठित बोध (Unseen Passage)
एक गद्यांश – शीर्षक, सारांश एवं प्रश्न
एक पद्यांश – शीर्षक, सारांश एवं प्रश्न
Direct & Indirect Speech
Subject Verb Agreement
Passage Writing – Factual/Discursive
Functional Grammar
General KnowledgeScience: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
General Knowledge of Madhya Pradesh
Indian GKHistory, Geography, Indian Polity, Economics
Current Affairs
ReasoningVerbal Reasoning
Non-verbal reasoning
Image-based logic
Puzzle, Pattern series and sequences
Alphanumeric series
Reasoning Analogies
Artificial Language, Coding-decoding
Cause and Effect, Clocks, Decision Making
Odd One Out, Seating arrangements

Candidates should focus on these topics for Paper 2, ensuring they cover all aspects of the syllabus to score good marks.

MP Police SI Exam Pattern 2025

The exam pattern plays a vital role in determining how candidates should approach their studies. Understanding the exam format helps candidates allocate time for each section and practice accordingly.

Post TypeSubjectMaximum MarksTime Duration
TechnicalScience (Maths, Physics, Chemistry)1002 Hours
Non-TechnicalEfficiency in Hindi & English, and General Knowledge2003 Hours

Key Features of MP Police SI Exam Pattern:

  • The exam is divided into two papers: Paper 1 for technical posts and Paper 2 for both technical and non-technical posts.
  • Paper 1 consists of 100 marks and focuses on technical subjects (physics, chemistry, and mathematics).
  • Paper 2 is common for all candidates and is of 200 marks, consisting of Hindi, English, general knowledge, and reasoning.
  • All questions are multiple-choice (objective type), and candidates must choose the correct answer from the given options.
  • Both papers are available in Hindi and English for the convenience of candidates.
  • Time management is important, as candidates must complete both papers within the allotted time.

MP Police SI Physical Efficiency Test (PPT)

Candidates who clear the written exam proceed to the Physical Efficiency Test (PPT). This test evaluates the physical fitness and agility of the candidate, ensuring that they can perform the duties required in the police force. Below are the main criteria for the PPT:

Category800 Meter (Running)Vertical JumpShot Putt
Male2 Minutes 40 Sec13 Feet9 Feet (7.260 kg)
Female3 Minutes 30 Sec10 Feet15 Feet (4 kg)
Ex-Serviceman3 Minutes 15 Sec10 Feet15 Feet (7.260 kg)

Interview and Final Selection

After successfully passing the Physical Efficiency Test, candidates will proceed to the final stage: the personal interview. This stage is crucial, as it not only evaluates the candidate’s knowledge and technical skills, but also their soft skills, personality traits, and leadership qualities.

The interview carries 10 marks, which may seem low but can make a significant difference in the final selection. Candidates must demonstrate their communication skills, confidence, and overall suitability for the role of a sub-inspector.

Final Merit List

The final selection is based on a merit list, which takes into account the candidate’s performance in the written exam, physical efficiency test, and personal interview. Candidates whose names appear in the final merit list will be offered the post of sub-inspector in the Madhya Pradesh Police Department.


Success in the MP Police SI exam 2024 requires a solid understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. Whether applying for technical or non-technical posts, candidates should focus on mastering the topics mentioned in the syllabus and ensuring that they are physically fit to clear the PPT standards.

With the right strategy, dedication, and practice, candidates can excel in both the written exam and the physical test, ensuring their place in the Madhya Pradesh Police Department.

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