To start preparing for any exam, candidates must be aware of the detailed SSC CGL syllabus as well as the complete and exact exam pattern to plan a perfect strategy to score good marks in the particular exam. The syllabus for each SSC CGL stage has been discussed in this article. Staff Selection Commission will select candidates for Combined Graduate Level posts through a two-tier recruitment process. The procedure for all stages of the SSC CGL exam is as follows-
SSC CGL Syllabus
The SSC CGL Exam consists of two stages:
- Tier 1 and
- Tier 2
SSC CGL Tier 1 Syllabus
Section | Topics |
Quantitative Aptitude | Computation of whole numbers Decimals Fractions Relationships between numbers Profit and Loss Discount Partnership Business Mixture and Alligation Time and Distance Time & Work Percentage Ratio & Proportion Square Roots Averages Interest Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra & Elementary Surds Graphs of Linear Equations Triangle and its various kinds of Centres Congruence and Similarity of Triangles Circle and its Chords, Tangents, Angles subtended by chords of a circle, Common tangents to two or more Circles Triangle Quadrilaterals Regular Polygons Right Prism Right Circular Cone Right Circular Cylinder Sphere Heights and Distances Histogram Frequency Polygon Bar Diagram & Pie Chart Hemispheres Rectangular Parallelepiped Regular Right Pyramid with Triangular or Square Base Trigonometric Ratio Degree and Radian Measures Standard Identities Complementary Angles |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | Analogies Similarities and Differences Space Visualization Spatial Orientation Problem-Solving Analysis Judgment Blood Relations Decision Making Visual Memory Discrimination Observation Relationship Concepts Arithmetical Reasoning Figural Classification Arithmetic Number Series Non-verbal Series Coding and Decoding Statement Conclusion Syllogistic Reasoning |
English Language | Idioms and Phrases One word Substitution Sentence Correction Error Spotting Fill in the Blanks Spellings Correction Reading Comprehension Synonyms-Antonyms Active Passive Sentence Rearrangement Sentence Improvement Cloze test |
General Awareness | India and its Neighbouring Countries Especially Pertaining to History Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research Science Current Affairs Books and Authors Sports Important Schemes Important Days Portfolio People in News Static GK |
SSC CGL Tier II Paper 1 & 2 Syllabus
Sections | Topics |
Quantitative Aptitude | Number System Problems Percentage Ratio & Proportion Square Roots Averages Profit and Loss Discount Time and Distance Time & Work Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra Triangles, Polygons, Circles, Cylinders Bar graph, Histogram, Pie chart |
English Language & Comprehension | Spot the Error Synonyms /Antonyms Spelling, Idioms & Phrases One Word Substitution Improvement of sentences The Active/ Passive voice of verbs Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration Shuffling of sentence parts in passages Comprehension passage |
Statistics | Data distribution, calculation, a diagrammatic representation of data Mean, Mode and Median Deviation, Dispersion Moments and relationships- skewness, kurtosis Co-relation, regression Probability- theories, distribution Sampling theory, index numbers, time series analysis Variance |
General Studies – Finance & Economics | Finance-Fundamentals of Finance & Accounting Economics-Macro & Micro Economics Growth & Development Market analysis- production, demand, supply Indian Economy Economic Reforms Money and Banking Role of Technology in Reforming the Economic Domain |