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Home>Courses>BPSC-2023 (P.T+MAINS)

What's included

Reg. Start Date - 12 Jun 2023

Reg. End Date - 30 Oct 2023

Class Start Date - 15 Jan 2023

Duration - 12 Months

Validity - 18 months

Type - Live + Recorded

Language - Hindi

Downloadable - Yes

Course Curriculum & Syllabus
Mapping By Ajeet Sir

6 videos

Statistics By L.K Jha Sir (Mains)

22 videos

10 notes

Essay By Dharmendra Kumar Sir (Mains)

14 videos

5 notes

Current Affairs By SKC Sir(Mains)

24 videos

6 notes

Geography By Ajit Sir (Mains)

45 videos

25 notes

Orientation Class

1 notes

Polity By Karan Sir (Mains)

43 videos

27 notes

Economy By Dr. Bharat sir(Mains)

28 videos

19 notes

Arts & Culture By Jaswant Sir

6 videos

1 notes

History by Manju Sir (Mains)

23 videos

2 notes

Sociology Based Essay By Dharmendra Sir (Mains)
Hindi By Jitendra Sir(Mains)

6 videos

1 notes

Sociology Based Essay By Dharmendra Sir (Mains)

7 videos

Bihar Special (Revision)

35 videos

1 notes

Current Affairs By khan Sir (Revision)

8 videos

5 notes

Science and Tech. By Sumit Sir (Mains)

31 videos

14 notes

Polity By Karan Sir (70th Batch)

18 videos

5 notes

Geography By Ajeet Sir (70th Batch)

21 videos

2 notes

Ancient History By Manju Sir (70th BPSC)

23 videos

1 notes

Biology By Sumit Sir (70th BPSC)

46 videos

2 notes

Current Affairs By SKC Sir (70th BPSC)

56 videos

36 notes

Medieval History By Manju Sir (70th BPSC)

24 videos

1 notes

Physics By Sumit Sir (70th BPSC)

25 videos

5 notes

Modern History by Manju Sir (70th BPSC)

39 videos

4 notes

Chemistry by Sumit Sir (70th BPSC)

10 videos

2 notes

Bihar Special by Jaswant Sir (70th BPSC)

43 videos

Economy by Dr. Bharat Sir (70th BPSC)

56 videos

12 notes

विजेता बैच 2024

88 videos

78 notes

Reasoning by Manish Sir (70th BPSC)

24 videos

1 notes

Math by PK Sir

27 videos

7 notes

Geography by Ajit Sir

53 videos

25 notes

Essay By Dharmendra Sir

20 videos

12 notes

Polity by Karan Sir

80 videos

24 notes

Bihar Geography By Khan Sir

6 videos

8 notes

Ancient History By Prateek Sir

32 videos

2 notes

Biology By Amrita Ma'am

23 videos

17 notes

Reasoning By Yogendra Sir

6 videos

6 notes

Current Affairs By khan Sir(Recorded)

19 videos

20 notes

Physics By Sumit Sir

16 videos

12 notes

Modern History by Manju Sir

34 videos

8 notes

Marathon Class

5 videos

6 notes

Current Affairs By khan Sir

4 videos

6 notes

Bihar Polity By Karan Sir

1 videos

1 notes

Bihar Modern History By Khan Sir

3 videos

4 notes

Current Affairs By S.K Sir

14 videos

16 notes

Medieval history By Manju Sir

10 videos

5 notes

Bihar Special By Khan Sir

1 notes

Economy By Dr. Bharat Sir

57 videos

61 notes

Sociology By Dharmendra sir

13 videos

Current Affairs by kalyani Ma'am

29 videos

22 notes

Statistics By L.K Jha Sir

1 videos

Biology By Khan Sir

23 videos

8 notes

Bihar History By Khan Sir

4 videos

5 notes

Bihar Geography By Ajeet Sir

5 videos

4 notes

Bihar Economics By Dr. Bharat Sir

2 videos

Math by Gaurav Sir

35 videos

23 notes

Polity By Khan Sir

5 videos

2 notes

Chemistry By Sumit Sir

12 videos

8 notes

BPSC Mentorship

58 notes


Features :

  1. Pdf Available in the Application (Khan Global Studies).
  2. Daily live classes for Pre + Mains Examination.
  3. Regular doubts classes.
  4. All India Mock Test Available.
  5. All the live classes available in the Recorded form.
  6. Daily Current Affairs available on the Website.
  7. Daily Quiz available on the Website.
  8. Multiple types of Quiz available on the website.

Demo Videos : Click here

> Syllabus

What is the BPSC exam?
The BPSC exam is conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission to recruit candidates for various administrative services and posts in the Bihar government.
What are the eligibility criteria for the BPSC exam?
The eligibility criteria for the BPSC exam vary depending on the post applied for. However, in general, candidates must be at least 21 years of age and hold a bachelor's degree from a recognized university.
What is the selection process for the BPSC exam?
The selection process for the BPSC exam consists of three stages - preliminary examination, mains examination, and interview.
How can I apply for the BPSC exam?
Candidates can apply for the BPSC exam online by visiting the official website of the Bihar Public Service Commission and filling out the application form.
What is the exam pattern for the BPSC exam?
The exam pattern for the BPSC exam also varies depending on the post applied for. However, in general, the preliminary exam consists of 150 questions on General studies, current affairs, and Questions on General Mental Ability. The main exam consists of five papers - general Hindi 100 Marks, General studies paper 1, General studies paper 2, and Essay, each carrying 300 marks. and Optional Carrying 100 (MCQ-based) Marks.
What is the duration of the BPSC exam?
The duration of the BPSC exam varies depending on the stage of the exam. The preliminary exam is for 2 hours, while the main exam is for 3 hours each for all five papers.


Registration fee  - Rs. 4500/-

Validity - 18 Months

Type  - Live + Recorded

Duration   - 12 Months

Language  - Hindi

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