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SSC CGL Foundation (Tier-I)

What's included

Reg. Start Date - 31 Mar 2023

Reg. End Date - 30 Aug 2023

Class Start Date - Not Available

Duration - 550+ Hours

Validity - 4 months

Type - Live Batch

Language - Hindi / English

Downloadable - No

Course Curriculum & Syllabus
Reasoning By Yogendra Sir

75 videos

71 notes

English By Juhi Ma`am

82 videos

66 notes

Maths by Gaurav Sir

83 videos

83 notes

Biology by Amrita Ma'am

40 videos

37 notes

Polity by Shubham Tripathi Sir

34 videos

10 notes

History By Khan Sir (VOD)

44 videos

Maths Practice Set

3 videos

1 notes

Advance Math by Gaurav Sir

16 videos

2 notes

English Practice Set

21 videos

6 notes

Physics by Ravi Sir

16 videos

6 notes

Environment By Amrita Ma'am

16 videos

Current Affairs By Gurpreet Ma'am

26 videos

5 notes

Geography by Shubham Gupta Sir

11 videos

1 notes

Economics by Anjali Ma'am

13 videos

Chemistry by Ravi Sir

8 videos

History By Pramod Rana Sir

26 videos

13 notes


After UPSC, India’s topmost vacancies of Group (B & C) come under the SSC. CGL Examination is the best way to get selected for the services. English, Mathematics, Reasoning, and General Awareness Paper are the subjects that are commonly asked in the examination. In this Batch, we provide the complete guide for the SSC CGL Examination.

Once you start preparing for the Examination, You need a guide to help you in every step of your preparation. Enroll in the Batch and see your dreams come true. Here is the chance to learn from the expert faculties of each subject. Complete Notes of each chapter, Class PPT, and Regular Doubt solving sessions are the most frequent facilities we provide in this Batch.

Batch Starts on - 05 April 2023

Batch Ends on - 15 December 2023

Features Of This Course:

• 550+ Hours of Live Classes.

• Recorded videos of Live Classes are also available.

• The course includes class notes, Mock Tests, Daily Practice sets, etc.

• Model Questions Practice with Recorded Solutions.

• The medium of the batch is Hinglish. 

• Syllabus based on new SSC CGL pattern

• Classes will run from Monday to Saturday.

• Test series are also included in this foundation batch. 

• Strategy Session with our expert faculties.

#AskDoubt Platform where our experts will solve your all doubts. 

What is SSC CGL?

SSC CGL stands for Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level exam. It is a national-level exam conducted by the SSC for recruitment to various posts in the Central Government.
How to apply for SSC CGL?

You can apply for SSC CGL online through the official website of the SSC. https://ssc.nic.in
When does the Commission upload its Annual Calendar of Examinations?

The Annual Calendar of the Examinations of the Commission for the next year is generally uploaded in the month of September/ October of the current year on the SSC website (https://ssc.nic.in)
Does the Commission entertain a request for change of date of examination if it clashes with exams of other organizations?

The Commission does not entertain any request for change of its examination dates in the event of the dates clashing with examination dates of any other organization. The Commission also does not entertain any request for change of Examination Centre and Examination Shift, etc on account of any other reason also.
Is Registration mandatory for applying to the examinations of the Commission?

Yes, One-Time Registration with the Commission is a mandatory prerequisite. On completion of One-Time Registration, candidates can apply online for any examination of the Commission.
I am unable to upload my photo and signature while applying for one time Registration?

Check size and format of photograph and signature files. Scanned colour passport size photograph should be in JPEG format and file size of the photograph should be in the range of 20 KB to 50 KB. Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). Similarly, scanned signature file should be in JPEG format having file size ranging from 10 KB to 20 KB. Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 3.0 cm (height). The image of the signature should occupy at least 75% of the frame.
I did not receive registration number and password on the email.

You may check the ‘Spam’ folder in your e-mail. If email is not received even in the Spam folder, it is likely that you have entered wrong email-id. You may contact Helpline of the concerned Regional Office through a call or email.
Who are eligible for exemption from paying fee?

:- All female candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Schedule Tribe, Persons with benchmark Disabilities and Ex Servicemen candidates eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.
What is meant by the application status showing “Provisionally Completed” or “Provisionally Accepted”?

The online application has been submitted successfully. It has been accepted provisionally by the Commission because the details filled by you have not been verified by the Commission.
Can I change my address details photo, signature etc. before applying?

Yes, you can change it before applying to an examination. Login to your account using your login credentials, then Click on ‘Modify Registration’ and make necessary changes
Is there negative marking in the Examinations conducted by SSC?

The specific information about the negative marking is given in the Scheme of Examination published in the Notice of the concerned Examination.
SSC CGL Foundation (Tier-I)

SSC CGL Foundation (Tier-I)

Registration fee  - Rs. 999/- 1500/-

Validity - 4 Months

Type  - Live Batch

Duration   - 550+ Hours

Language  - Hindi / English

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