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Anti-Dumping Duty on Trichloro isocyanuric Acid


Recently, the Indian government has imposed an anti-dumping duty of up to $986 per tonne on Trichloro isocyanuric acid (TCCA), a chemical widely used in water treatment, imported from China and Japan. 

More on the News: 

  • The decision, which will remain in effect for five years, aims to protect domestic manufacturers from unfair pricing practices that have affected the local industry in India.
  • Trichloro isocyanuric (TCCA) acid is an important chemical for industrial water treatment, pool cleaning and disinfectant production. 


  • In recent years, there have been concerns over the influx of TCCA imports from China and Japan at prices lower than the fair market value, commonly referred to as "dumping." 
  • The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), the investigation body of the Ministry of Commerce, undertook a probe into these practices and concluded that such dumped imports had caused material injury to the Indian domestic industry.
  • Following the DGTR's recommendation, the Finance Ministry imposed an anti-dumping duty to shield Indian manufacturers from the detrimental effects of these unfair pricing practices. 
  • The duty is designed to ensure a fair playing field for domestic manufacturers by correcting the market distortion caused by artificially cheap imports.

Significance of Anti-Dumping Measures:

  • Anti-dumping duties are a widely recognized trade remedy under the global trade framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO). 
  • These duties are not intended to restrict imports but rather to ensure that foreign goods are sold at fair prices which reflects the actual cost of production and a reasonable profit margin. 
  • They protect the interests of domestic industries that could otherwise be driven out of business by foreign competitors engaging in unfair pricing.

Government's Stand on Fair Trade:

  • The government has emphasized that the imposition of anti-dumping duties is not aimed at restricting imports or artificially inflating prices but rather at addressing unfair trade practices. 
  • The goal is to maintain fair competition and prevent domestic industries from being undermined by underpriced foreign goods. 
  • This action reflects India's commitment to upholding fair trade practices, ensuring the long-term health of India’s manufacturing sector.

Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR):

  • It is an investigative arm of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, dealing with anti-dumping, counter-vailing duties and other Safeguarding measures.
  • Earlier known as Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD), it became the DGTR by merging the Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD), Directorate General of Safeguards (DGS) and Safeguards (QR) functions of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) into one single national entity.
  • It provides an integrated single window agency for providing comprehensive and swift trade defence mechanism in India.

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