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Government Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023

In this comprehensive article, candidates gearing up for various government examinations in 2023 can access the detailed and topic-wise government exam syllabus in PDF format. Aspiring individuals from all corners of India, who are preparing for competitive exams such as those conducted by Banks, Railways, SSC, IBPS, PSU’s, etc.


Candidate may choose any optional subject from amongst the List of Optional Subjects given below:

Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Anthropology, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, History, Law, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology. 



(Answers must be written in Kannada)

The Paper will require first-hand reading of the Texts prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of the candidates.

Section A

A. Old Kannada Literature

1. Vikramaarjuna Vijaya of Pampa (Cantos 12 & 13), (Mysore University Pub.)

2. Vaddaraadhane (Sukumaraswamyia Kathe, Vidyutchorana Kathe)

B. Medieval Kannada Literature

1. Vachana, Kammata, Ed. K. Marulasiddappa K.R. Nagaraj (Bangalore University Pub.)

2. Janapriya Kanakasamputa, Ed. D. Javare Gowda (Kannada and Culture Directorate, Bangalore)

3. Nambiyannana Ragale, Ed., T.N. Sreekantaiah (Ta. Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore)

4. Kumaravyasa Bharata : Karna Parva (Mysore University)

5. Bharatesha Vaibhava Sangraha Ed Ta. Su. Shama Rao (Mysore University)

Section B

A. Modern Kannada Literature

1. Poetry : Hosagannada Kavite, Ed. G.H. Nayak (Kannada Saahitya Parishattu, Bangalore)

2. Novel : Bettada Jeeva—Shivarama Karanta Madhavi—Anupama NiranjanaOdalaala- Deva-nuru Mahadeva

3. Short Story : Kannada Sanna Kathegalu, Ed. G.H. Nayak (Sahitya Academy, New Delhi)

4. Drama : Shudra Tapaswi—Kuvempu. Tughalak—Girish Karnad.

5. Vichara Sahitya : Devaru—A.N. Moorty Rao (Pub: D.V.K.Moorty, Mysore.)

B. Folk Literature :

1. Janapada Swaroopa—Dr. H.M. Nayak. (Ta. Vem. Smaraka Grantha Male, Mysore.)

2. Janpada Geetaanjali—Ed. D. Javare Gowda.(Pub : Sahitya Academy, New Delhi).

3. Kannada  Janapada Kathegalu—Ed. J.S. Paramashiviaah (Mysore University).

4. Beedi Makkalu Beledo. Ed. Kalegowda Nagavara (Pub : Bangalore University).

5. Savirada Ogatugalu—Ed. S.G. Imrapura.

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