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Cook Islands signs deal with China


Recently, China and the Cook Islands have signed an action plan for a comprehensive strategic partnership which highlights concerns over China’s growing presence in the South Pacific. 

More on the News

The partnership establishes a framework for engagement in "priority areas" like trade and investment, tourism, ocean science, aquaculture, agriculture, infrastructure climate resilience and disaster preparedness. 

Cook Island’s PM stated that this deal provides opportunities for their government, and people to benefit from enhanced partnership and cooperation with China in areas aligned with national interests and long-term development goals.

  • He further stated that engagement with China complements their longstanding relationship with New Zealand.

Cook Island’s PM promised to publish the details of the accord after New Zealand raised concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the visit.

New Zealand also expressed concerns that it had not been consulted about the China trip of Cook Island PM.

About Cook Island 

The Cook Islands, a small self-governing country with a population of 17,000 people, has a unique "free association" relationship with New Zealand. 

While it can interact with the international community as an independent state, New Zealand provides budget support and commits to defend the island nation, whose people are New Zealand citizens.

  • The Cook Islands is situated in the South Pacific, halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii.
  • It comprises of 15 small atolls and islands.

The Cook Islands is a prominent member of the Pacific Islands Forum, a regional organization dedicated to promoting cooperation and addressing issues of common concern among Pacific Island nations.

India and the Cook Islands established diplomatic relations in 1998. 

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